Dental sedation is a beloved option made available to millions of dental patients who may experience intense anxiety and fear about seeing the dentist. While there are several sedation options made available to patients in the Bardstown, Kentucky, area, including nitrous oxide (laughing gas) and oral conscious sedation, you may be wondering how safe sedation is in the first place. Dr. Michael Walton and the team at Walton Family Dentistry would like to inform you why dental sedation is perfectly safe for most people and in most circumstances.
One of the most important things that must be considered before any form of sedation is ensuring you are a good candidate. Sedation is safe as long as it is administered by a professional who has the appropriate knowledge and as long as the person receiving it is a suitable candidate. Your medical history will need to be reviewed, and all current medications must be disclosed to your dentist. It must be determined if any medications you take will lead to adverse reactions with the sedation medications. Make sure you are honest and forthcoming regarding any and all medications you take.
Nitrous oxide is generally considered the safest and mildest form of sedation available. You will remain fully awake and aware of what is happening. You inhale the sedative through a nasal mask, which can be removed quickly. The half-life of nitrous oxide is rather quick, meaning you should be able to drive yourself home after the procedure as the sedation wears away very quickly.
Oral conscious sedation is a stronger type that comes in the form of a pill you take prior to your appointment. It is also considered safe and is a deeper form of sedation that usually results in drowsiness or sleep during the procedure. You will likely need to arrange a ride home as the effects will linger for a while after your treatment.
To learn more about the sedation options offered at Walton Family Dentistry, please call us at (502) 610-0151.
Dr. Michael Walton was born and raised in Bardstown, Kentucky. He loves offering superior dental care from his practice to members of his community. He wants to emulate his childhood dentist by making every dental appointment fun and memorable for his patients.
Dr. Walton offers modern, friendly dental care with a personable, communicative, humorous touch. He believes that everyone deserves a healthy and beautiful smile and works hard to ensure that his patients leave the practice feeling their best so that they would want to make someone else feel good.
When not working, he enjoys volunteering at The Nelson County Community Clinic.